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Meet Our Team

Making Travel Easy


Shania Roper


Shania began her career in entertainment, specifically in the fashion and lifestyle market. Having a passion for television, she found her way working in publicity for ABC Studios in 2017. From there, she moved into marketing and talent relations for multiple media companies throughout Las Vegas, New Jersey & New York. Not only does Shania know her way through corporate America, she knows her way around the world. With a military upbringing, this globetrotter and entrepreneur is a travel expert. As a seasoned professional, Shania has extensive knowledge of various cultures, booking travel and finding affordable luxury experiences everywhere.


Brandon Phelps

Group Travel Host

Meet Brandon, a Shade & Travel Group Trip Host with a passion for exploring the world.  When he isn’t working social events & parties, he uses his interpersonal communication skills to build rapport amongst Shade & Travel guests to make sure they never feel alone on our adventures. Prepare to dance with him over the globe as you immerse yourself in a new culture!


Maggie Kochanek 

Social Media Specialist

With experience and education in digital marketing and design, Maggie aspires to revolutionize the digital sphere with innovative ideas. She advocates for fostering vibrant communities and consistently champions creativity. Leveraging her expertise, Maggie actively manages Shade and Travel's social media platforms, contributing to the sustenance of a thriving community of travel enthusiasts.

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Maurice Levardo


Maurice is a wistful writer and the editor in chief of The Naïve Journal. He has a love for storytelling and believes that it’s incredibly important to document fleeting moments. With a history in luxury fashion, digital marketing, and creative writing, Maurice is inspired to create a community that merges these three passions into one. Curiosity is his strongest influence, and he loves to challenge not only himself, but the different worlds around him. 

About Us: Our Agents
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